Hackers Heaven

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Create Keylogger using C++|Basic Hacking Tutorials

Learn To create Keylogger using C++|Basic Hacking Tutorials

Hi friends, the most interesting part  of the hacking is spying.  Today i am going to introduce to the C++ Spyware code.   It is going to be very fun.  You can install this spyware in your college/school  or in your friend system, and get their username and passwords.  This is very simple hacking trick when compared to phishing web page.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Google Android on Your PC

Google Android

Google Android will not replace Windows as the operating system for your PC, but it may become the operating system for your next portable computer. Right now, you may test drive Google Android on your PC, and you may download programming tools to begin developing your own applications. Verizon and AT&T are already advertising small netbooks; four other major hardware manufacturers will introduce Adroid-powered netbooks early in 2010.

Your cell phone has evolved into a handheld computer

Although you still refer to the device as your cell “phone,” you hardly ever use it for simple conversation. Instead, you send text messages, get directions, play games, and check the links with your Facebook and Twitter. Your cell has evolved into a powerful handheld computer with more ROM and RAM than your desktop unit had just a few years ago. Until recently, Apple’s revolutionary iPhone owned the market, facing very little serious competition. Blackberry dominated the business market but accounted for only 15% of United States market share. At the end of October, 2009,